Lamsoon e-Workflow

Please login with your ID before using the e-Workflow.
Approaching the paperless office, Smooths approval process.
Automated search engine, Save application time.
Provide relevant Information for approvers' reference.
Provide user friendly interface to track approval status.
Email alerting system for items waiting to approve.
Permanent record saving, ease of data retrieval.
Forget/change password Forget/Change Password
" 3rd party confidential information management
All information in computer resources are required to backup, and backed up information in tape cannot be destroyed partially, all collected 3rd party confidential information, including but not limited to, those information protected by signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with information provider, should be relocated out of computer resources at the same day immediately by the recipient before starting of back up procedure daily (refer to time of backup and restoration guideline)